Jacob Robinson

Jacob Robinson

Co-Owner/Head Coach

Squat: 480

Deadlift: 515

Clean & Jerk: 285

Snatch: 220

Fran: 2:47




About Coach




Life is a journey, I got here through lots of trials. I was a CNA working with Rehab, Dementia, and coaching on the side. Life has always brought me back to fitness. Sports through my youth, Powerlifting, and now CrossFit. It’s my passion and I want to share it all with everyone I am lucky enough to work with.

Turning Point

I struggle with self-doubt…a-lot. There hasn’t been a single day that I don’t question myself. Yet, I refuse to let myself be consumed by it. I drown the voices with knowledge and share experiences. I constantly search to learn new methods and better communication. I just move, that is what has led me to where I am today. To what I consider to be the greatest stage in my journey, so far. So, just keep moving, don’t ever stop.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to show people that it doesn’t have to be intimidating, it’s not always easy, but that’s what I’m here for. To teach and to guide whomever through it. My biggest motivation is I want everyone who walks through our doors to leave feeling accomplished, and with the biggest damn smile on their face.

Through my own health obstacles, I have felt the negative impact self-judgment and life's stressors have on day-to-day functioning. My hope is to help instill in others the understanding and compassion that there is “no wrong way to have a body (see here)” and to discover the power of finding their “why” in order to live their fullest life.

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